The Key to NYC mandate has been lifted. As of March 7, 2022 we will no longer require proof of vaccination to attend classes, parties or privates.


Our classes are held at 520 8th Ave, in a large office building, under the umbrella of Ripley Grier Studios. Their policies and ours are below.

stripxpertease Policy

  • Booker of event must also confirm that everyone attending

    • (1) has not had COVID-19 symptoms in past 14 days

    • (2) has not tested positive for COVID-19 in past 14 days, and/or

    • (3) has not had any close contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case in past 14 days.

  • Masks are OPTIONAL during class.

  • Classes that include cheat sheets will get emailed PDFs after class.

  • Hands must be washed or sanitized before entering the classroom.

  • All personal belongings will be placed on the coat rack or floor or chairs along back wall

  • If policies aren’t followed, we reserve the right to end parties/privates without refund.

520 8th Avenue’s Policy

  • ID must be presented.

  • Elevator: elevator capacity is limited. Each elevator cab will be marked with floor markings showing occupancy and indicating where to stand.

  • In the Lobby, if you are vaccinated masks are not required.

Ripley Grier’s Policy (from their site)


  • Limited to 50% max occupancy.

  • 6 ft. Distance maintained at all times.

  • M​​asks or other facial coverings that cover the nose and mouth are now optional at Ripley Grier studios.

  • Limit large gatherings.

  • In order to ensure the safety of all of our guests at our spaces, it is imperative that we follow a strict protocol.

  • We are working with our infectious disease specialists at special pathogens laboratories, actors’ equity association, and society of stage directors and choreographers in order to adopt best practice for a safe and organized return-to-work policy. This policy incorporates the developing guidelines set by the city and state on how to safely and effectively reopen.


  • The rooms will be properly sanitized after each use.

  • Industrial disinfection takes place at the end of each day and continuously throughout the day to ensure the safety of our guests. Close attention is paid to all high-touch areas, including door handles, table-tops, pianos.


  • An adjusted limited capacity (50% occupancy) will be allowed in each studio, as follows to allow for proper social distancing.


  • Masks covering the mouth and nose are now optional to enter the studios. Masks are available for purchase at front desk if you don’t have one already.



  • Face covering must be worn in all common areas and social distancing rules must be followed (age 3 and above).

  • Observe 6-foot floor markings as a reminder not to gather too closely together.

  • Kitchen: seating is limited and placed 6 feet apart. Coffee and tea service will be suspended during this time.

  • Restrooms: we have installed reminders for everyone to wash their hands thoroughly.  


  • Cleaning supplies are provided in each studio.

  • Prior to your session, staff will need to wipe down any chairs, tables, music stands you will use and toss tissues in trash bins.

  • While in session, guests are discouraged from working closer than 6 feet apart.

  • At the end of your session, staff will wipe down all tables, chairs, music stands used with provided cleaning supplies. Don’t forget handles and doorknobs.

  • If you are unsure if something was wiped down, wipe it down in an abundance of caution.

  • If anyone has symptoms during your session, please send them home and alert the front desk so we can clean any affected areas.


  • Renters will need to maintain a log of any person attending your session and provide the log to the front desk.

  • During phased reopening, we are adhering to best practices by keeping our lobbies and hallways empty. 

  • No one will be allowed to wait in the hallway or lobby for more than 10 minutes.


·         We are bringing fresh air in, and cleaning between clients.

·         We require a half-hour between bookings to clean the studios (including piano keys, tables, chairs, sound systems, switches and doorknobs).

·         We ask our clients to wipe down their space before they leave as well; This is a proactive effort on their part for fellow artists. That way the studios get two cleanings before the next client. Of course we deep clean all studios and halls and restrooms every day before opening.

·         We have small designated refuse cans for disposable wipes and tissues in each studio.

·         We have installed a washer/dryer unit to wash the microfiber cloths we use to clean between clients. Our protocols include: mandatory masks, social distancing, encouraging hand washing (mandatory for staff) and we have sanitizer in the entry hall.

We have masks available for purchase for $1.00, Ripley-Grier (RG) masks for $5.00, and bottled water is available for $1.00.

We discourage "hanging out" and require ID to be shown at the security desk when entering the building. This prevents unauthorized visitors from coming up to the studios.

When booking, all clients are required to have signed a liability waiver. We stay up to date on all info about preventative measures.

We make sure fresh air is introduced and circulated in our spaces in the morning, and between bookings all day.

We use exhaust and air filtering systems as well as circulation fans. All halls have fans operating. In addition, the halls have many plants to provide oxygen.