“My legs are burning, muscles are shaking violently in agony and frankly, I want to give up. But the classes have a great collaborative atmosphere, and everyone is open and supportive. The instructors do a great job of keeping you motivated and calling you out when you’re slacking off. ”
Stripper Strength
This strengthening and flexibility class takes actual stripper moves and puts them together to tone and tighten the body. We perform core standing, floor, and chair moves that you can put together and slow down back at home for a rockin' show. We also strengthen those muscles to help you pull off the hottest sex positions for you and your honey (Asian cowgirl anyone?)! Bring heels. SEE VIDEO FROM CLASS
Stretch every bit of your body from top to bottom. Flow through stretches to improve your dancing, relax you from that hard class or get you limbered up for your next class! Get strong, flexible, supple and lean. Please bring a clean pair of socks and a yoga mat (if you don't have a mat bring a large thick towel or small blanket) SEE VIDEO FROM CLASS
Can't shake what your mama gave you? Never learned how to drop it like it’s hot? Want a twerk class? Well, if you’ve got back or you want back, Booty Jiggle N' Pop is the class for you! We use a combination of belly dance, salsa, reggae, hip-hop and samba to strengthen and tone your ass, legs and thighs. You’ll be bootilicious and backing that thing up in no time. It is all about the Booty. Sneakers acceptable, heels preferred. Bring knee pads (Sold in class for $12 & up), a large thick towel, or a small blanket for kneeling and lying positions. SEE VIDEO FROM CLASS